DepositFiles.com File Search Engine
Search all files in DepositFiles.com - DFiles.eu
Tool, Movie, Music, Zip, Rar, MP3, PDF, Excel, Word, Data, Game, APK, Document and other files.
About DepositFiles - DFiles
Depositfiles is the perfect place to keep your valuable files safe and share them. We know how to do this quickly and easily. All you have to do is create an account and upload the files.
DepositFiles, one of the largest, oldest and most well-known file upload sites in the world, was founded in 2006 and broadcasts in 20 different languages. There are several premium plans available on Dfiles, where it is possible to add content with FTP file uploader, remote upload and web installer.
DepositFiles service options;
- We store your files for FREE on our servers for an unlimited period of time.
- Download your files from slow servers to our servers and store them for any time,
- The maximum possible size of the stored file is 10GB,
- Unlimited total size of stored files,
- Free software for uploading and downloading files,
- Password protection for downloading your files,
- Let us know when we delete your files.
- Download files at any time.
- Priority for downloading files with Gold status